Saturday, September 30, 2017

Hawaiian Shirts Made in Hawaii

Hawaiian Shirts from Shaka Time Hawaii

If you are looking for Hawaiian Shirts that are in fashion and Made in Hawaii.  Check out ShakaTime Hawaii for their wide selection of the latest Aloha fashions.  Their Mens Hawaiian Shirts come in the finest quality cotton, rayon & silk.  They have free shipping and excellent customer service. They are locally located in Honololu at :

They have short and long sleeve Hawaiian Shirts for Men  Aloha!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Local Hawaiian Band "Typical Hawaiians"

Typical Hawaiians has been on the Hawaii music scene since 1996.  Their debut album, "In a Positive Vibrations" won the Na Hoku Hanohono Award  for "Reggae Album of the Year" in 2000. Typical Hawaiians' musical roots comes from contemporary Hawaiian music and island reggae. Their success has taken them to locations around the world including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Tahiti, Europe and the US continent.
Typical Hawaiians push the envelope on what it means to be "typical".  Once considered a stereotype is now a title worn with pride. Typical Hawaiians exemplify living the aloha lifestyle in Hawaii nei by expressing Hawaiian music through the cultivation of positive music genres and innovating today's new Hawaiian sounds.  Collaborations include  Notch/ Born Jamericans, Peetah & Mojo Morgan, Tarrus Riley, Oshen, Chief Ragga, Marty Dread, Crucial & Ruff, Sonny Kapu, Eko & Red Eye, Kalei Kahalewai, Ali'i Kane, and many more artist to come.
If you are interested in booking Typical Hawaiians please visit